Every year, thousands of workers who use machinery & equipment suffer serious injuries. Just in NSW over the past 3 years, there have been over 140,000 injuries in workplaces as a result of using plant incorrectly.
Tragically 121 of these people died.

Firstly, it’s important to note that our Stop-It Wireless Emergency-Stop System has won a prestigious International Safety Award “for innovation”.
Now that Thompson Safety has joined the infinite quest for a safer work environment, it is significant to note that you now have wireless emergency stop shutdown mechanisms with a range from 60m to 5000m without having to be in direct line of sight.

We do not SPAM. Your privacy is protected.

Company CEO, Mike Thompson is passionate about the “Stop It” safety system.
He has worked in industries where he has seen tragedies first-hand & knows the heartache & trauma caused by such accidents.
Watch this short video to see “WHY” you need such a safety system & “HOW” this state-of-the-art technology provides
“peace of mind” for all.

Every year, thousands of workers who use machinery & equipment suffer serious injuries.
Indeed, 85% of work-related deaths in Australia are from industries where our “STOP IT” system is suited.

Reduce Risk
Improve Safety
Be assured your investment in Stop It will add further value to your “Safe Operating Procedures” and peace of mind knowing you have installed state of the art technology that reduces risk in emergencies.
Most decision-makers look upon our system as being a major step in stopping work-related catastrophes.
Our “Stop IT Wireless Emergency-Stop System” has won a prestigious International Safety Award “for innovation”.

Injuries, fatalities and equipment malfunctions are all costly to productivity, hence why it is important to have Stop It as an early and additional shutdown mechanism.
And by reducing or eliminating machinery & equipment damage, it means your output is NOT negatively affected.
“Stop It” is effective in both fixed & mobile machinery environments.

Multiple remotes can be assigned to a single machine Or Multiple machines can be assigned to a single remote for supervisors.
Features a “single channel” low frequency 433MHz receiver, with no chance of frequency jamming!
Remotes have a 2 year battery life and Stop It installations are simple and non-intrusive.

Low Cost
The bottom line is that this innovative safety system provides you with a cost-effective way of making your workplace a “safer environment”.
The question anyone would ask is “what value does one put on the safety & well-being of their staff?”
Our “Stop It” technology now provides every employer with the opportunity to protect their personnel for a very modest investment.