5000 Mtr Range

WES15101T/E – Single Channel Receiver with relay output
WES15102T/E – 2 Channel Receiver with relay output
WES15104T/E – 4 Channel Receiver with 4 relay outputs
WES15108T/E – 8 Channel Receiver with 8 collector outputs


  • Long range – up to 5km.
  • 100mW Transmitter with current consumption of 85mA
  • Not affected by Natural or man-made electrical interference
  • Specially programmed micro-controller
  • Simultaneous channel transmission is possible; i.e. more than one channel can be activated at a time


The WES151… has a transmission power of 100mW with a current consumption of only 85mA. It gives a controlled range of up to 5km. The controlled operation can be any electronic or electrical operated device when used with the WES151… series of receivers

The channels are activated via screw type terminals onto which the user can connect reed switches, toggle switches, push buttons or any form of normally open (NO) contact.
The transmitter uses a frequency of 151MHz and a modulation type of Narrow Band Width FM which makes it suitable for industrial applications where you would have a high level of electrical interference. This transmitter is not affected by man made or electrical interference. This makes WES151… an ideal choice for use in heavy industrial environment.

Each transmitter button is individually transmitted to the receiver making it possible to do simultaneous channel transmission. This means that up to 8 different functions can be done at the same time. Each button can operate any WES151… series receivers making it possible to transmit each button to different single channel receivers or to multi-channel receivers.

The transmitter uses a specially programmed micro-controller which ensures the highest reliability, low standby current consumption (10uA) and greater flexibility.

External supply connection and SO239 antenna socket is provided with the transmitter.


• Remote & Floating Pump Station • Conveyor Systems • On/Off applications in agricultural equipment • Mining equipment



  • WES15101 1-Channel Receiver with Relay Output
  • WES15101240 1-Channel Receiver with 240VAC Supply and with Relay Output
  • WES15102 2-Channel Receiver with Relay Output
  • WES15102240 2-Channel, Receiver with 240VAC Supply and with 2-Relay Outputs
  • WES15104 4-Channel Receiver with 4-Relay Outputs
  • WES15104240 4-Channel, Receiver with 240VAC Supply and with 4-Relay Outputs
  • WES15108 8-Channel Receiver with 8 Open Collector Outputs
  • WES1510812R 8-Channel Receiver with 12VAC or DC Supply and with 8-Relay Outputs
  • WES1510824R 8-Channel Receiver with 24VAC or DC Supply and with 8-Relay Outputs


  • WESANT151M 1m 151MHz Antenna


The transmitter mode for WES15104 is user selectable by simply setting the 1-Way dip-switch on the transmitter board.



The 12-way dip switch on the transmitter sets the 12 bit unique code for the system. This has to be matched to that on the receiver.

Apart from the 12-way dip switch there will be a additional dip switch depending upon the transmitter type:

  • A single channel Transmitter will have a 3-way dip switch
  • 2-channel transmitter will have a 2-way dip switch
  • 4-channel transmitter will have a 1-way dip switch
  • 8-channel transmitter will not have any DIP switch (for channel selection) It only has a 12-way dipswitch for coding.

The channels are determined by the 8 inputs.


With 3-way DIP switch and single input


With 1-way DIP switch and 4-inputs


With 2-way DIP switch and 2-inputs

This dip switch on the right side of the 12-way dip switch denotes the channel. These are denoted as below for the different transmitters.

Generally, to use a 2-channel transmitter to 2-channel receiver match all the 14 DIP switch (12-way+2-way just on the right side of the 12-way).

To use a 2-channel transmitter to control 2 single channel receivers, match the 14 DIP switch positions and the receiver with the 15th DIP switch OFF is Ch1 and the 15th DIP switch ON is Ch2.
To use a 2-channel receiver with 2 single channel transmitters, first match the 14 DIP switches and then the transmitter with Sw15 OFF will activate the Ch1 on the receiver and the transmitter with Sw15 ON will activate the Ch2 on the receiver.


There are 7 selectable frequencies available. The black 3-way dipswitch changes the frequency. If two separate systems are installed in the same location it is recommended to set each system to a different frequency. The default setting is 151.600 MHz (All 3 dipswitches “ON”). Following is a table with the Dipswitch settings and the corresponding frequencies.

Technical Data